Friday, April 3, 2009

About this Blog

Welcome! After finding myself alone and having to start over, I found the best place in the world, or rather the best people, the women of the Old Lucketts Store, who took me under their wings.
Much more than an antique shop or vintage store Lucketts is a place I can be myself.
I am not a gourmand, or a chef, rather someone
who just loves to cook! Always trying out new things and new ways to cook them, and these girls love food. We started getting together every Friday night after work at my little house near Lucketts.

I usually made a main course and everyone would bring an appetizer, side dish, drinks, or dessert.We would eat, talk, laugh, plan, dream, celebrate a birthday or just being together. We had been doing this a little over a year and it became Friday Night at Ted's. We always came up with new ideas and recipes to try. From gourmet to down home we loved it all! I have a very small home, about 700 square foot total, some nights we would have as many as 13-14 people, what with husbands, kids, and anyone else who wanted to show up. I love my friends and I love to entertain. With so many great Friday Nights behind us someone was always looking for my
recipe for something or other and I would dig through my notes, magazines, scrapes of paper, or just try to remember how I put that dish together. It was obviously time for a cookbook. Not just any cookbook, but one that had the fun, style, and simple joy of my great friends of Friday Night.


  1. Ted, You're right...these girls love food, and these girls love TED!

  2. Ted, I'm so proud of you! You are a great writer when it comes straight from your heart!
    The photos are great, the recipes look great! Keep it up; I'm going to look forward to every post! Love, Claudia
